Finally! (part I)

Welcome Every ONE!

After many, many months of talking about starting a blog, it has finally manifested itself!  Thank you so much for taking the time to be involved in this new expansion.  I am writing with the intention of giving back to others what was given to me.

A little background on how I got to this point:

I like to describe my past as being birthed, but not alive.  I see it as I being in an egg shell waiting to be hatched.  For over 25 years, I was kicked around, going with the motions of what people wanted for me, collecting dust and a firmer shell. I was living a life of self destruction. I was in a place where I knew I was not to belong, but I wasn’t exactly sure how to get out or how I got in it for that matter.  It wasn’t until 2009, when I physically moved away from the life, that the egg cracked, just a bit, to see that there was more outside of this shell.

I moved to a new city, a place where I knew one person, and had a chance of starting over.  Upon moving, I began practicing yoga again.  I practiced for a few years before as a form of exercise, but this time it was that which cracked the shell.  I came across a teacher, Daysha Hampton, that taught me the inner workings of yoga; awakening my being to meditation, pranayama and the eight fold path.

In 2012, I had the pleasure of coming in contact with a woman, Susan Koehler, an energy intuitive, as  I developed a neck injury and physical therapy was not working.  From our single, one hour session, she helped open a very blocked heart and allowed me to see more light!  Upon leaving her office, I really started questioning my true being.

 After doing some research on how to get certified in Reiki, I found myself in a Reiki I class hosted by Laura O’Neele with one of my best friends. Reiki opened my life up even more, removing layers and layers of things I thought  I would never have to deal with again.  Reiki II brought up even more emotions and Reiki III more than the time before.   It took almost every emotion to see the meaning of those past experiences and gave me hope for the future.  The deeper and deeper I dug, the more my present life became brighter and more alive. My yoga asana practice deepened, my life began to fall in place, there was meaning and purpose again.

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